Thursday, July 22, 2010

Katy Perry California Girls reviews

Some reviews about Katy Perry California Girls.
Some people do not understand. It's a response to empire state of mind. It is supposed to give the vibe of fun in the sun. She is portraying the California life. Also, blame the producer that made this song and Tik Tok. It isn't the artist's fault if they sound similar. I love this song %100 better!
Here you can watch Katy Perry youtube video in California Girls and here is a beautiful photo of her.

As for voice enhancers. Not all artists use them. I mean seriously. Even the best voices in the business have dabbled in autotune for the effect it has (ie Mariah Carey) Katy isn't a great live singer, but not many singers are. When your in the studio, sleeping, in your pajamas, and having fun, you Irvoice is totally different! Love this song.

Another review about Katy Perry California Girls

If you don't like it, then don't listen to it.
Half of you who don't like it are most likely jealous that California is significant enough to have a song made for it. That too a song being number one on the charts. Do those "other states have any? I don't think so. So go live in your Midwestern ranches and stop sharing your frustration. For the most part, this song is done well. Pretty generic. But what isn't nowadays? I love this song and I bet many many people do too. It's number one for a reason. If you dislike it, you're an outcast. Get some taste!

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